How to cool your dog using the Siccaro drying coat
The method is simple: 1. Wet the drying coat in cold water The first step is, of course, to get the coat wet. Since you want to cool the dog, ...
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You may have been doing okay using just towels to dry your wet dog so far. But why make it more difficult than it needs to be? With a Siccaro dryin...
Read moreSpring and autumn are seasons that offer a lot of color for us to enjoy out in the nature, but also a lot of changing weather where rain sadly is a...
Read moreWashing the horse’s legs regularly is important for its health and well-being. It can be about quickly rinsing them after training, when the horse ...
Read moreYou are ready for a wet and muddy autumn – and at the same time prevent mud fever. Mud fever is an annoying problem for many horses and their rider...
Read moreQuestions and thoughts often arise regarding when it’s appropriate to cool the horse’s legs and when it’s better to warm up instead. The uncertaint...
Read moreTravelling with horses for whatever reason, whether it’s out of necessity for a vet. or a hospital visit, or for pleasure such as competition or ho...
Read moreBuying and training a dog - whether for field work, as a gun dog, or as any other form of service dog - is a major investment of time, money and ef...
Read moreFor most of us, our cars are our second most expensive investment after our homes, but few things are more damaging to a car interior than a wet do...
Read moreA nice dry dog is not a luxury: here are 5 reasons why your dog (and you!) will benefit from Siccaro's drying coat: Hands-free drying: Imagine a...
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